Changes and Updates


Heidi AI

We’re using Heidi AI to enhance your care!

At The Russell Clinic, some consultations may be documented with the help of Heidi AI, a secure tool that assists doctors in summarising clinical notes during your visit.

Your doctor is always in control. All notes are reviewed and verified by your doctor to ensure accuracy.

Your privacy is protected. Heidi AI is designed to maintain strict confidentiality, complying with all legal and ethical standards.

Your consent matters. Your doctor will always explain the use of Heidi AI and seek your permission before proceeding.

Heidi AI allows our doctors to focus more on you while ensuring your records are accurate and up to date.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask your doctor.



From the 1st of January 2025, our fees will be increasing.


Empower yourself with skin cancer awareness!

Noticing something NEW, CHANGING, or UNUSUAL on your skin? It could be a sign of skin cancer.

Take control of your health and book an appointment today for a thorough skin cancer check.

Our non-invasive, comprehensive full-body examinations, coupled with dermatoscopy, ensure a detailed assessment of moles and suspicious skin lesions.

WHAT IS SKIN CANCER?: Skin cancer is an abnormal out-of-control growth of cells in the epidermis (outermost skin layer), triggered by unrepaired DNA damage and mutations. Don't let these mutations lead to skin cancer.

Did you know?

  • The SUN's harmful Ultraviolet (UV) rays and tanning bed usage are the primary causes of skin cancers.

  • Approximately 99% of non-melanoma skin cancers and 95% of melanomas in Australia result from sun exposure.

  • The risk of Melanoma doubles with more than 5 sunburns!

  • Basal Cell Carcinomas (BCCs) are the most common form of skin cancer.

Book your full skin cancer check today and take a proactive step towards your well-being.

Private standard fee for a skin check consultation: $115 – Medicare Rebate $41.40

Note: Additional fees may apply for procedures and treatments.


Changes to telehealth consultations

Due to recent Government changes to the telehealth legislation, it is becoming increasingly difficult for GPs to continue bulk billing these consultations.

As of Monday the 9th of October all telehealth consultations will be privately billed.

Concession card holders and children under the age of 16 will continue to be bulk billed for face to face appointments only.


New General Practitioner

We are also excited to announce that we are welcoming another new female GP to our Russell Clinic team!

Dr. Frances Adams is available to book from mid-September.

For more info, please see our Practice Team tab.


New General Practitioner

We are excited to announce that we are welcoming a new female GP to our Russell Clinic team!

Dr. Georgina Minns is available to book from mid-August.

For more info, please see our Practice Team tab.



As of the 29th of July 2023, Russell Clinic is suspending its Saturday service as the demand for appointments from the public has declined considerably. This is a matter that will continue to be reviewed by the partners, and if the demand increases again, we will revisit opening Saturday’s for bookings.

Alternative options for an appointment over the weekend include the below options:

  • Priority Care Centre at Marion : 0466 698 616

  • National Home Doctor Service (13SICK) : 13 74 25



Russell Clinic will be increasing private billing fees slightly from July 1st 2023.


New General Practitioners

We are so excited to finally announce that we are welcoming two new female GPs to our Russell Clinic team!

Dr. Mandeep Kaur and Dr. Neha Prasad Sinha are both available to book from mid-February.

For more info, please see our Practice Team tab.


Sneak Peek- Early Gender DNA Test

We are very excited to announce the new partnership between Russell Clinic and SneakPeek Clinical by Gateway Genomics.

Sneak Peek is a clinically proven early gender DNA teat that lets you discover your baby’s gender from 6 weeks into pregnancy! The test uses non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) to look for male Y chromosomes from a small sample of your blood. If male Y chromosomes are found that mean’s you are having a baby boy, if none are found, you are having a baby girl! For more info please see out Sneak Peek page: SNEAK PEEK


Bulk billing changes

From the 1st of October 2022, Russell Clinic will no longer provide bulk billing for standard weekday consultations, including telehealth consults.

Concession card holders and children under the age of 16 will continue to be bulk billed for standard weekday consultations. There will be a gap for all other patients.


Instagram and Facebook

We now have Instagram and Facebook for our patient to easily keep up to date with clinic changes, updates, services we offer and some fun content.

Follow us to to keep updated.


Saturday fees

From the 1st of August 2022, Russell Clinic will no longer provide bulk billing for attendance with the doctor on a Saturday. There will be a flat fee for all patients, this applies for all patients including concession card holders and children.

Clinic appointments with services provided by the nurse will be bulk billed for concession card holders. There will be a $10 gap for all other nurse clinic patients.

Saturday appointments are available for urgent appointments on the day. If we are booked to capacity, we will likely turn the phones over early.



Russell Clinic will be increasing private billing fees slightly from July 1st 2022.


Payment of consultation fees

Russell Clinic is a private billing practice. We have recently implemented new system to make the payment process as easy as possible for our patients and our staff.

When booking a Telehealth appointment, you are required to enter your payment details. These details are securely stored until billing has been processed by the practice. If your consult has been bulk billed, the account is deleted and your details are no longer held.

We recently started sending text message reminders to patients with outstanding accounts. This message provides a link that allows you to pay easily online. We can assure you this is a secure way to settle your accounts.


WorkCover & Insurance accounts

From July 1st 2022, Russell Clinic will no longer process WorkCover and Insurance claims on behalf of the patient. Patients must settle their account on the day of consultation and claim the money back from the third party themselves



Russell Clinic is a private billing practice. All appointments, including telehealth, are billed at the doctors discretion. All eligible concession card holders and children under the age of 16 will continue to be bulk billed for standard attendance consultations. If you do not fit into the above categories please be advised, there may be a fee for your consult.

Medicare eligibility has changed. If you have not been seen face-to-face in the practice in the past 12 months, you will not be eligible to be bulk billed for a telehealth consult. Please speak to our friendly staff for more information and fees.